Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Khan Kamzor Ki Zaroorat Hai, Takatwar Ki Majboori

Upcoming Drama KHAN has definitely caught the attention of its potential viewers. There has been a great deal of hype surrounding the promotional videos that have been airing repeatedly on TV titled KHAN, ‘Coming soon’.  The third teaser of project Khan has been released, and it doesn’t disappoint. 

KHAN. Does khan mean IMRAN KHAN? The video promo comprises of a series of fleeting images that don’t serve to unwrap much of the storyline, however, it does reveal a concrete political connection with the plot. We encounter glimpses of ferocious power, exhibited by a statuesque man whose identity is inadvertently masked perhaps to instigate curiosity within its audience as to who the apparent protagonist of the show may be impersonating. The real question still remains to be answered. Who, in essence, this character may be inspired by.  Although it seems the resemblance of KHAN  with Imran khan appears to be stronger than any other, the promo showcases an action-packed,politically driven drama-thriller synthesized with boldly executed scenes of violence; Gunshot in broad daylight, blood gushing out, women mourning death and a continuous on-screen presence of armed men indicating power and political pull. Definitely merits being filed under the priority list of the upcoming dramas to follow in 2017.

The highlight of the promo is the epic, fear-inducing one liner. The dialogue embodied in an intimidating voiceover narrated by the protagonist reads, ‘’Khan kamzor ki zaroorat hai, takatwar ki majboori’’.  Certainly something our most favorite Imran Khan would say. Boomeranging back to thesubject, the promo is most certainly intriguing andallows us to conclude that the central feel of the play manifests the authoritative tendencies of an influential figure in the contextual background of Pakistan’s political scenario. Now who would want to miss that?

Finally, a drama production has found the backbone to adapt an unconventional storyline whilst encapsulating substance-oriented content in contradistinction to the archetypal middle-class house hold drama stories that we’ve all seen enough of. Khan appears to be a unique political thriller that we’ve all been anxiously waiting for!

Reflective of the current situation of Pakistan and the role of Imran Khan.To hit the television screens very soon. Let’s stay tuned and appease our curiosity in regard to who this ‘Khan’ really is and how the plot has been structured. I vote Immy kay. I vote Khan. 

Sunday, January 29, 2017


There is burgeoning talk of a town new play Khan who instead of being fearful of gangsters and warlords id afraid of the common man. Or this play is about the life of our very own political figure Imran khan. The following clip previews a drama serial soon to hit TV screens that sheds light on Pakistan's political scenario and persistently emphasis on tahreek. Are they referring to tahreek-e-insaaf? Furthermore, since Pakistan only has ONE preeminent " Khan" who remains in the spotlight, it might not be wrong to conjecture that this seemingly eponymous drama serial may be based - albeit not explicitly- on Imran Khan's efforts to usher in freedom, justice and Tablighi (and mirror his public stance of challenging the status quo. You thought the legacy of Khans was improbable? I kid you not, imran Khan is coming to your screen VERY soon! Is this play inspired by our very own #ik. On a daily basis one watches TV talk show hosts on nearly every channel periodically monitor debates and document Pakistan's snail-paced judicial process. TV anchors such as Mubashir Luqman, Shahzeb Khanzada, Kamran Khan, and Kashif Abbasi have become household name as they keep a hawk-eye on the peccadilloes of Pakistani politicians . These news hounds often face threats from powerful figures and the public should recognize and appreciate their concerted efforts; to stand as bulwarks against the weight of political intimidation. The drama serial KHAN seems like it may take some of the onus off their shoulders. With this bold televised impetus, one hopes there will be more ongoing drama serials that delve into Pakistan's political scenario and that the message journalists; -veritable beacons of truth - dole out are communicated vis a vis circumspect drama scripts rather than roundtable debates. This purview of relevant political stances conveyed through TV dramas and cinema will indubitably magnetize TV audiences who otherwise may have become jaded by TV talk shows. One is still unsure if KHAN will target any one particular political issue, but one hopes the narrative sparks an interest in an audience who have previously never been interested in politics and who when roused may rise up and make powerful contributions to improve Pakistan's socio-political milieu. 

Monday, August 1, 2011



He came, saw and conquered, this was Munawar Zareef. He was not only the younger brother of Zareef he was also a great fan and follower of his brother. His showbiz journey was started with film Dandian (1961).Almost 300 films are on his credit, each and every one has excellent performance and it is very hard to tell which one is better. Out of 300 some of them are Mooj Mela, Pupli Saab, Bharia Mel...a, Hamrahi, Chakar Baaz, Banarsi Thug, Dou Putran Anarada, Manjhi Khitay Dhanwa, Bad Tameez, Shukan Melay Dee, Shararat, Daman Aur Chingari, Ishaq Deewana, Baharo Phool Barsao, Zeenath, Mastana Mahi, Heer Ranjaha, Bandey Da Puthar, Naukar Wohti Da, Jeera Blade, Sheeda Pistol etc.He was awarded three times with the Nigar Award on his out-standing performance in Bharo Phool Barsao, Zeenath and Ishaq Deewana.

Amir Zaki (Guitarist)

Amir Zaki started playing music at the age of thirteen and has still stuck to his guns. His obsessive nature has ensured a constant flux of music from him, though both hell and high water have come his way. The story began when his grandfather started playing some ethnic string instrument, left home and disappeared for good. Though Zaki is traceable, he tends to meander like some mad man in the music that plays incessantly in his head. It has to be genetic inheritance. Zaki's travails into cascades and cadences had somewhat of a rocky start. His father initially got him a drum kit that was deemed too loud. A saxophone took its place, but the trumpeting was too much for the family to handle. Finally a compromise was struck on the guitar and that suited everyone just fine, especially Aamir who immediately started working out melodies on one string. Soon he had learnt the ropes by instinct, playing the music others made before him.
Playing alone soon got boring for young Zaki, so he started jammin' with a friend who played the drums. The drummer is now a cab driver in New York. However, the short time that they played together was enough for Zaki to start a band called Drug Enforcement. In 1984, they played their first show at Rangoonwala Hall where they scandalized the audience by doing covers of The Who, Cream and Jimi Hendrix. The line up consisted of Salman Habib on drums, who eventually gave up drumming for Habib Oil Mills, and Abbas Premjee, who went on to the States to study, amongst other things, classical guitar. Apparently, Premjee still plays a mean flamenco, but can he match his counterpart who followed his heart?